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6001 - Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA)

Course number
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At your plant
Complete 1-day training course
Complete 1-day training course
At your plant

What can you expect from this training?

Understand and determine the importance of performing root cause
analyses. Establish steps effectively and present results to avoid the risk of repeated failures.
1- Introduction to Root Cause Analysis
  • More wide spread than you might think
  • Someexamples
2- Workshop objectives
  • What is a RCA?
  • Why perform a RCA
  • When to perform a CAB
  • How to perform a CAB
3- What is reliability in a CAB?
  • Reliability
  • Failure: definition
  • How do assets fail?
4- Why RCAs?
  • Increased availability
  • Cost reduction
  • Improved health and safety
5- Tools for performing RTAs
  • Five tools are reviewed and explained, along with their limitations
  • Graphic representations of the tools

Workshop: Teamwork on a classroom case study
Easier said than done?

6- The RCA process
  • Laurentide's ACR6 root cause analysis process
7- Four levels of causes
  • Get to the root cause or the situation will return
8- Solutions
  • Evaluate, weight and implement
9- Success factors
Nine success factors for successful and profitable

10- Review
For all managers, executives and maintenance managers and  technicians maintenance technicians who have to involved in reducing failures.

To learn more or register, contact us at: [email protected]