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Flexim™ Ultrasonic Clamp-On Flow Meter
Non-Intrusive, Clamp-on Ultrasonic Technology

Non-Intrusive, Clamp-on Ultrasonic Technology

Emerson’s Flexim Non-Intrusive Ultrasonic flow measurement technologies enable operators to simply attach the transducer to the outside of the pipe – without any interruption to operations, or any risk of leakage. 

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  • Water and Waste Water Applications
    4-series (portable) and 5-series (stationary)
  • Liquids and Gases:
    6-series (portable) and 7-series (stationary)
  • Liquids and Gases in explosion-hazardous areas: 
    8-series (stationary)
  • Steam flow measurement:
    FLUXUS ST, available in portable (6-series) and stationary (7 series) devices


  • PIOX® S
    Non-invasive determination of concentration, density and mass flow with clamp-on ultrasonic technology
  • PIOX® R
    Process refractometer concentration measurement through inline-refractometry with laboratory accuracy
  • FLUXUS® S831
    Available as a vriant of the FluXus® series. Non-invasive measurement of media-specific data of hydrocarbons as well as media identification